Use "world-weariness|world weariness" in a sentence

1. Their weariness was honorable, even awesome.

2. His Meditations, with their emphasis on the vicissitudes of perpetual change, exude an air of world-weariness.

3. 7 Weariness was balanced with delight.

4. A little wariness prevents great weariness.

5. 3 Weariness pervaded his whole body.

6. You've got marks of weariness under your eyes.

7. We need to identify the cause of our weariness.

8. 1 She succumbed to weariness and went to bed.

9. 13 Their weariness was honorable,[] even awesome.

10. To Bother is to cause irritation or weariness, esp

11. I had slept badly and felt numb with weariness.

12. 21 A little wariness prevents great weariness.

13. He felt numb with weariness and grief.

14. His cheerful joke made us forget our weariness.

15. 5 The old woman's body drooped with weariness.

16. 22 Despite his weariness, Brand mustered a wan smile.

17. 2 His cheerful joke made us forget our weariness.

18. 10 He detected a note of weariness in her voice.

19. 8 I had slept badly and felt numb with weariness.

20. 9 They were done with hunger and weariness.

21. 6 His eyes were half closing in weariness.

22. 4 He felt numb with weariness and grief.

23. Yoga must pep up and not impart weariness and despondency.

24. 11 I detected a faint note of weariness in his voice.

25. 23 Minetta's weariness colored his reverie, made him sad.

26. Tito had at that moment a nauseating weariness of simulation.

27. 17 She'd slept badly and felt numb with weariness and grief.

28. I noticed, behind the neutrality of his gaze, a deep weariness.

29. First, however, we need to identify the cause of our weariness.

30. They must not allow themselves to faint and collapse through weariness.

31. He saw it as indicating the travel weariness of the great adventurer.

32. 12 The greatest weariness comes from work not done. Eric Hoffer 

33. Keeping silent and thinking , studying without satiety, teaching others without weariness.

34. In contrast, Thinking about Suicide (Paul Durcan), Exeat (Stevie Smith) and A Commination (A D Hope), along with others, indicate a world-weariness arising from chronic socioeconomic stress

35. 24 I noticed, behind the neutrality of his gaze, a deep weariness.

36. Bleary definition, (of the eyes or sight) blurred or dimmed, as from sleep or weariness

37. 1 causing weariness, restlessness, or lack of interest. an Arid speech about duty and responsibility.

38. Synonyms for Accidie include boredom, ennui, tedium, weariness, apathy, doldrums, dullness, flatness, languor and monotony

39. The most common perils come from straying, illness, weariness, injury, and predators.

40. 10 Melancholy, weariness, tedium? the reiteration of the note cannot be coincidence.

41. Boredom is associated with “dullness, repetition, or tediousness,” “a feeling of weariness and dissatisfaction.”

42. He is too short-tempered, for one thing, and also capable of doubt, anxiety, weariness, fear.

43. 19 He saw it as indicating the travel weariness of the great adventurer.

44. 16 The key-in moment contains analytical reduction from weariness or slight illness.

45. It had begun to ascend the stairs ... and then the weariness had overcome it.

46. Bother suggests causing trouble or weariness or repeatedly interrupting in the midst of pressing duties

47. Further, certain problems, like war-weariness and bankruptcy, will cause cities to suffer negative Amenities.

48. Boring definition is - causing weariness and restlessness through lack of interest : causing boredom : tiresome

49. 18 There is a kind of laziness or weariness which seeps into troubled marriages.

50. Antonyms for Chirpiness include listlessness, apathy, fatigue, inertia, lethargy, weariness, ennui, heaviness, languor and depression

51. 28 It can restore an innocent pleasure in life at times of weariness and emptiness.

52. 26 It had begun to ascend the stairs ... and then the weariness had overcome it.

53. 27 As the waves lap in think I detect a note of weariness in the endlessly repeated motion.

54. 29 He is too short-tempered, for one thing, and also capable of doubt, anxiety, weariness, fear.

55. 25 Only children had the energy for play, the adults were in a permanent state of weariness.

56. Lee invaded Pennsylvania in search of supplies and to cause war-weariness in the North.

57. A hand that trembled slightly brushed against his forehead as if it could wipe away the weariness.

58. 14 For some reason, maybe just an existential weariness, U. S. steel companies stopped doing these things.

59. Yet nausea and bone-weariness were mere pinpricks compared to the emotional upheaval she was going through.

60. 30 A hand that trembled slightly brushed against his forehead as if it could wipe away the weariness.

61. 20 A weariness that was as much chronic boredom as physical tiredness seemed the most dominant thing about her.

62. Xiaoke is a commonly seen disease in clinic with the typical syndrome of polyphagia, polydispia, polyuria, weariness and emaciation.

63. During his lifetime, even Kipling started to resent the poem's popularity, saying it had been "Anthologised to weariness."

64. Sometimes they hardly exchanged a word , for now they had nothing to talk about , and their days were long to weariness .

65. His accent, an inimitable polyglot growl, radiates a weariness that comes with being what he calls a "global nomad."

66. Cloy definition: to make weary or cause weariness through an excess of something initially pleasurable or Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples

67. ‘Employing that odd mixture of world weariness and Curtness that has become your trademark - the sigh, the swift turning of the back and a clipped phrase delivered over the shoulder as you aim for the door - you damned the whole lot of us.’

68. Perhaps, more cynically, it reflects a weariness on the part of those subject to multiple restructurings on the apparent whim of new management.

69. 15 Perhaps, more cynically, it reflects a weariness on the part of those subject to multiple restructurings on the apparent whim of new management.

70. 19 Function description: Deep supplement water and nutrition to skin, provide deficient nutrient due to excessive weariness of hands, quickly leave skin lustrous and roseate.

71. He felt over thrilled and cast away his flowers in hands, dashing towards the big flower. But he was somewhat delayed by his heavy steps due to the all-way weariness.

72. We are living in a stabilizing world, an urbanizing world, an aging world, a connecting world.

73. Bother, annoy, plague, tease imply persistent interference with one's comfort or peace of mind. Bother suggests causing trouble or weariness or repeatedly interrupting in the midst of pressing duties

74. Uteroplasty world-rare world Coalitionist Samaritanism

75. And'we'is Western world and'them'is Third World. "

76. Simple boredom is the sort you suffer from during long Christmas dinners or political speeches; "existential" boredom is more complex and persistent, taking in many conditions, such as melancholia, depression, world weariness and what the psalmist called the "destruction that wasteth at noonday"—or spiritual despair, often referred to as acedia or Accidie.

77. World Temperatures — Weather Around The World

78. the criminal world and the legitimate world.

79. 66 synonyms for Creation: universe, world, life, nature, cosmos, natural world, living world, all

80. Synonyms & Antonyms of Boring (Entry 1 of 3) causing weariness, restlessness, or lack of interest I wish this book weren't so Boring; I keep falling asleep whenever I try to read it